The Archeological Excavation of the Ancient Sommer Warehouses

AzLab#82  |  8 February 2023  [session to be held in Portuguese]

Invited speaker:
Nuno Neto [Neoépica]
Paulo Rebelo [Neoépica]
[+ info | blog AzLab]
[watch the video on YouTube]

Painting on Applied Azulejos and the 17th Century Scenographic Simulations

AzLab#81  |  11 January 2023  |  29 March 2023  [session to be held in Portuguese]

Invited speaker:
Vitor Serrão [ARTIS – Instituto de História da Arte, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa]
[+ info | blog AzLab]
[watch the video on YouTube]

Chinese Porcelains and the Decorations of Omani Mihrabs

AzLab#80  |  14 December 2022 [session held in English]

Invited speaker:
Soumyen Bandyopadhyay [University of Liverpool]
[+ info | blog AzLab]
[watch the video on YouTube]


AzLab#79  |  9 November 2022 [session held in English]

Invited speakers:
Eva Brunner [Talking.Tiles]
Alexander Amir Khan [Talking.Tiles]
[+ info | blog AzLab]
[watch the vídeo on YouTube]


AzLab#78 | 12 October 2022 [session held in Portuguese]

Invited speakers:
Rosário Salema de Carvalho [Az – Rede de Investigação em Azulejo, ARTIS–IHA/FLUL]
Alexandre Pais [Museu Nacional do Azulejo]

The session  included the following participants:
Miguel Tamen [Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa]
Vitor Serrão [ARTIS – Instituto de História da Arte, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa]
Fernando Cabral [Sistemas do Futuro, Lda.]
André Coelho [Realizasom]
[+ info | blog AzLab]
[watch the vídeo on YouTube]

#LookUp: Desvendando a origem e traçando o futuro dos revestimentos azulejares aplicados em cúpulas e coruchéus

AzLab#77  |  22 June 2022 [session held in Portuguese]

Invited speaker: 
Mathilda Larsson Dias Coutinho [Laboratório HERCULES, Universidade de Évora]
[+ info | blogue AzLab]
[watch the video on YouTube]

O azulejo como cocriação de espaço público em Portugal e no Brasil + Tile Festival 22

AzLab#76 | 25 May 2022 [session held in Portuguese]

Invited speakers:
Marluci Menezes [Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil]
Eva Brunner [Talking.Tiles] 
Alexander Amir Khan [Talking.Tiles] 
[+ info | blogue AzLab]
[watch the video on YouTube]

ChromAz: a History of the Colours in Portuguese Azulejos

AzLab#75  |  20 April 2022 [session held in English]

Invited speakers: 
Susana Coentro [VICARTE, FCT-NOVA]
Umberto Veronesi [VICARTE, FCT-NOVA]
Márcia Vilarigues [VICARTE e DCR, FCT-NOVA]

Moderated by Susana Coentro [VICARTE, FCT-NOVA]

[+ info | AzLab blog]

[watch the video on YouTube]

The Paths Of Memory In The Tile Panel Kilomètre 47, By Vieira da Silva

AzLab#74  |  23 March 2022 [session held in Portuguese]

Invited speaker: 
Helio Herbst [Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil] 

Moderated by Paula André [ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa/ DINÂMIA’CET]

[+ info | AzLab blog]

[watch the video on YouTube]


Organized in partnership with the National Azulejo Museum, the AzLab’s goal is to uncover new analytical perspectives on issues related to azulejos, and particularly to the study, inventory, collecting, safeguard, creation and dissemination of azulejos

Throughout more than 10 years, AzLab has taken on different forms. Starting with in-person sessions at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, we switched to Zoom sessions during the pandemic and to hybrid sessions afterwards. In the upcoming season (2023-2024), the seminar will take the form of a podcast. Our goal is to discuss azulejos and various related issues, through interviews that promote the dialogue between different protagonists.
[+ info | blogue AzLab or YouTube]