— Postponed — [COVID19]
After four postponed sessions, AzLab is back on a new format: online and on the minute.
The concept of AzLab on the minute is simple: the sessions were not canceled, but only postponed! We are just waiting for all the necessary conditions to come back to School of Arts and Humanities (ULisboa). Until then, we have made available on the Azulejo Research Network YouTube channel, these short videos, as brief presentations of what could have been, and what will be, in the near future, these four AzLab sessions.
[YouTube channel]
AzLab#55 | 19 February 2020
Invited speaker:
João Pernão [Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa / Associação Portuguesa da Cor]
AzLab#54 | 15 January 2020
Invited speaker:
Project team members — Cátia Santos | David Francisco | Isabel Boavida | Paulo Guerreiro
Lara Lourenço [Az – ARTIS-IHA/FLUL]
AzLab#53 | 11 December 2019
Invited speaker:
Pedro Ferreira [Centro de Investigação em Arquitectura, Urbanismo e Design (FAUL)]
Moderated by Rosário Salema de Carvalho [Az – ARTIS-IHA/FLUL]
AzLab#52 special | 13 November 2019
10h15-10h35 __ Azulejo publicitário na cidade do Porto | Diana Felícia Pinto [FLUP]
10h35-10h55 __ Representações do sagrado na azulejaria de Vila do Conde | Gustavo Duarte e Vasconcelos [FLUP]
10h55-11h15 __ Os painéis de azulejos da Capela do Noviciado do Convento do Carmo | Newton Machado [UB]
11h45-12h05 __ Catalogação de azulejos hispano-mouriscos | Rafaela Xavier [FLUL]
12h05-12h25 __ Azulejos no Mosteiro de S. Dinis, em Odivelas | Anabela Cardeira Arranja [FBAUL]
12h25-12h45 __ Palácio Azurara: azulejos e restauros | Cidália Bento [FBAUL]
14h30-14h50 __ A história de Portugal na azulejaria barroca | Teresa Verão [UE]
14h50-15h10 __ Revolução industrial do azulejo em Portugal | Pedro Ferreira [FAUL]
15h30-15h50 __ O azulejo contemporâneo | [FLUL]
15h50-16h10 __ Belgian Influences on Spanish and Portuguese Tile | Mario Baeck [Ghent University]
16h30-17h00 __ Round table | The azulejo research in the Portuguese universities
[+ info | AzLab blog]
AzLab#51 | 9 October 2019
Invited speakers:
Catarina Pinheiro [Laboratório HERCULES, Herança Cultural, Estudos e Salvaguarda]
Mathilda Larsson [Laboratório HERCULES, Herança Cultural, Estudos e Salvaguarda]
David G. Ortega [Pomika]
AzLab#50 | 5 June 2019
Invited speaker:
Tiago Borges Lourenço [IHA-FCSH / NOVA]
Moderated by Rosário Salema de Carvalho [Az – ARTIS-IHA/FLUL]
AzLab#49 | 15 May 2019
Invited speaker:
Nuno Rosmaninho [Universidade de Aveiro]
Moderated by Ana Almeida [Az – ARTIS-IHA/FLUL]
AzLab#48 OUTDOORS | 10 April 2019
Talk & Visit with:
Pedro Bebiano Braga [Bordalo Pinheiro Museum]
Organized in partnership with Bordalo Pinheiro Museum
Organized in partnership with the National Azulejo Museum, the AzLab’s goal is to uncover new analytical perspectives on issues related to azulejos, and particularly to the study, inventory, collecting, safeguard, creation and dissemination of azulejos.
Throughout more than 10 years, AzLab has taken on different forms. Starting with in-person sessions at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, we switched to Zoom sessions during the pandemic and to hybrid sessions afterwards. In the upcoming season (2023-2024), the seminar will take the form of a podcast. Our goal is to discuss azulejos and various related issues, through interviews that promote the dialogue between different protagonists.
[+ info | blogue AzLab or YouTube]