Catarina Esteves de Oliveira

She holds a PhD in Art History (2022) from the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, with a dissertation entitled A decoração esculpida na arquitectura da escola dos Lopes (1553-1603): as formas e os símbolos [Sculpted decoration in the Lopes architectural school (1553-1603): forms and symbols], supervised by Ana Goy (University of Santiago de Compostela) and co-supervised by Vítor Serrão (University of Lisbon).

She holds a License degree in History (Art History variant, 1998) and a Master’s degree in Art, Heritage and Restoration (2003), also from the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon.   

Her research focuses on art from the 16th century and the first half of the 17th century, and especially on architecture, architectural decoration, iconography and iconology. 

Catarina Oliveira works at the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage, where she conducts research on movable and immovable assets. She has been a member, since 2013, of the team charged with cataloguing heritage that is either classified or about to become so, and has been monitoring, since 2021, the study and classification of national movable assets.  
